Bar Mitzvah - Isadore Eisenstein For my Mitzvah project, I made wooden Mezuzot to be hung on the doorposts of several classrooms at our synagogue. My Mitzvah project ties into my Parasha Terumah because both are about building. In my Parasha, Moses describes what Terumah, or “donations,” people can bring for the construction of the Mikdash or sanctuary. I am delighted that I can use my time and skills for this important contribution to my community. I would not have been able to get to this point without the support of my family, friends, and synagogue. I appreciate everything they have done. First, I’d like to acknowledge Mom and Dad for helping me practice and stay on track, and for all the work they put into getting me to this point. I’d also like to thank Rabbi Tornberg for our thoughtful meetings and helpful comments and Cantor Zarkh for helping me learn my Torah portion and blessings. Thank you to my grandparents, Toby, Bruce, and Karen for always being so supportive. Also, thank you to my sisters, Evie and Mira, who spent many nights listening to me practice. Finally, thanks to all my friends and family for sharing this meaningful milestone with me.
Shabbat Times
Friday, February 17 7:00 p.m.Erev Shabbat Inclusion Service led by Cantor Zarkh Anniversary Blessings & Adult Choir Molish Sanctuary and LiveStream Click hereto view the Yahrzeits being recalled this week. Saturday, February 18 8:45 a.m. Torah Study led by Rabbi Tornberg 10:00 a.m. Peer-led Morning Service - Torah Reader: Rhoda Ryba TBT Chapel or Zoom Meeting ID: 884 5577 5879 Passcode: shabbos971 (same for both)
10:00 a.m. Service in the Molish Sanctuary and Livestream Bar Mitzvah: Isadore Eisenstein Son of Debra & Eric Eisenstein
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