CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR GRADUATES! We thank you for sharing your simchas with us and look forward to more of them!
Shiloh Lincow, Chase Cohen, and Remi Dubin will be graduating Pine Road Elementary School and heading to Murray Ave Middle School in the fall.
Sara Whitney, daughter of Chuck and Sharon Whitney, is graduating cum laude from Rochester Institute of Technology with a BS in Biomedical Engineering.
Samantha Brooke Katzman, granddaughter of Faye and Saul (z”l) Katzman, will be graduating High School on June 4 from South Lakes in Herndon, Virginia. Samantha will be attending Northeastern University in Boston.
Sara Geiger, daughter of Merle and Steve Geiger, is graduating from NC State University and their Jefferson Scholars program on May 14. Mom and Dad are super proud!
Peri Oberman will be graduating from Abington Friends School in June. She will be attending Franklin and Marshall College in the Fall. Her family (Caryl Oberman, Ken Gelburd, and Michael Gelburd) is so proud of her! , Arline Winkler’s grandson, Benjamin Winkler will be graduating Drexel University with a master’s degree in Public Policy on June 11.
Mazel Tov to Molly Gillston (granddaughter of Sue and Sol Miller) who will be graduating from Lower Merion High School and attending Elon University.
Richard and Carole Charney’s granddaughter, Taylor Goldberg, finishes her master’s degree program in May. Taylor’s brother, Jackson Goldberg, graduates Temple University in May.
Wendy Stahler is excited to share the news of her granddaughters: Erica King will graduate from Souderton Area High School and has been accepted into Florida State University. Avery Solomon is graduating from Sandy Run Middle School and will be attending Upper Dublin High School. ________________________________________________________
Hats Off to Cooking and Baking! Wednesday, May 5, 12:00 PM on Zoom
Join us for another fun-filled Zoom meeting with the cooking and baking group!
CLICK HERE to join us on Zoom. Meeting ID: 897 2812 1173 One tap mobile +19292056099,,89728121173# US (New York) +13017158592,,89728121173# US (Washington DC) __________________________________________
Sisterhood Rosh Chodesh Wednesday, May 12, 7:00 PM A Woman of Valor: Her Candle Goeth Not Out (Proverbs 31:18)
Come and share your story of a woman who has had an impact on your life. The woman you talk about must be someone to whom you are not related. It could be someone you’ve known for a long time, someone you met only once or someone whose name you don’t even know. Maybe this woman helped you or maybe you witnessed her help someone else - many years ago or yesterday. Maybe you haven’t thought of her for a long time or maybe you think of her every day. But in some way the candle she lit has continued to shine in your life. Please have a candle available for our opening. Contact Evelyn Fair at with any questions.
CLICK HERE to join us on Zoom. Meeting ID: 893 5575 4777 One tap mobile +19294362866,,89355754777# US (New York) +13017158592,,89355754777# US (Washington DC) ______________________________________________________
A Special Kabbalat Shabbat Service Friday, May 14, 6:00 PM
Confirmation families are invited to join us in person as part of their Shabbat celebration for the evening. ____________________________________________
Shavuot/Yizkor Service and Confirmation Sunday, May 16, 7:00 PM Live Stream
Check this Friday's email for information on how to add your loved one(s) name(s) to the Yizkor list.
CLICK HERE to join us for a special evening on Live Stream. __________________________________________
Beth Am Book Club Tuesday, May 18, 11:00 AM
The Midnight Library, by Matt Haig facilitated by Bonnie Surrey
Between life and death there is a library, and within that library, the shelves go on forever. Every book provides a chance to try another life you could have lived. To see how things would be if you had made other choices . . . Would you have done anything different, if you had the chance to undo your regrets?”
A dazzling novel about all the choices that go into a life well lived, from the internationally bestselling author of Reasons to Stay Alive and How To Stop Time. CLICK HERE to join us on Zoom. Meeting ID: 857 6176 3848 One tap mobile +13017158592,,85761763848# US (Washington D.C) +13126266799,,85761763848# US (Chicago) _____________________________________________
Adult Ed led by Rabbi Bogot "Reformation Judaism: Chassidim and Reconstructionists."
Rabbi Howard Fogelson Bogot, D.D. has been facilitating Adult Education courses at Old York Temple-Beth Am before our current sanctuaries, the Elise and Rabbi Harold B. Waintrup (z”l) Religious School, and our administrative campus existed. Currently, he serves as the Lecturer in Jewish Studies at Abington College of Penn State University.
Rabbi Bogot is offering (via ZOOM) a second seminar in his current series. Beginning on May 19 (six consecutive Wednesdays at 1:00 pm).
In contrast to the contemporary use of these denominational labels, this seminar will explore the ORIGINAL essence of these reforms and how that essence relates to our present Jewish identity.
Participants will use an edited syllabus created by Rabbi Dr. Abraham Cronbach (z”l). CLICK HERE to register for the class.
Interfaith Multicultural Town Hall Meeting with Congresswoman Madeleine Dean Wednesday, May 26, 7:00 - 8:00 PM
Moderators for this event: Rev. Marshall Mitchell, Pastor of Salem Baptist Church Abington Madiha Irfan, Executive Director of Islamic Center of Willow Grove Rev. Aaron Twitchell, Associate Pastor of Abington Presbyterian Church Rabbi Robert Leib, Senior Rabbi, Old York Road Temple-Beth Am
Hosted by Fred Goldstein, Co-Vice President of Social Action Committee, Old York Road Temple-Beth Am.
Questions for the Congresswoman must be emailed to Fred Goldstein at fgoldste@mc3.eduat least a week before the event.
Zoom link will be provided at a later date.
Community Events, Programs and News
Old York Road Kehillah Presents Fighting White Supremacy: From Charlottesville to Capitol Hill Thursday, May 6, 7:30 pm
Join Integrity First for America Executive Director Amy Spitalnick and Regional Director of ADL Philadelphia Shira Goodman for a conversation about how we can hold these violent extremists accountable.
CLICK HERE to register _________________________________________________________
Mark Your Calendars! Primary Elections 2021 May 18
The League of Womens' Voters has provided us with a link for personalized voting information.
During these hours, we will be answering phone calls and checking emails while working. We will NOT be open to the public or to congregants at this time.
Old York Road Temple - Beth Am 971 Old York Road Abington, PA 19001 215-886-8000
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