Friday, May 7 6:00 PM Kabbalat Education Shabbat Service with Rabbi Tornberg and Cantor Zarkh May Birthday Blessings Please note that this service has transitioned to indoors due to the weather. Only the families and teachers of K-1st Grade who are registered for in person can attend in the sanctuary.All others can attend on Zoom. Come honor our teachers and madrichim. They have done so much for us in this challenging year. Featuring special participation of kindergarten and first grade students.
CLICK HERE to join us Friday evening on Zoom. Meeting ID: 818 2351 9331 Call into Shabbat: 1-929-436-2866
Saturday, May 8 9:00 AM Torah Study led by Richard Molishon Zoom CLICK HERE to join us Saturday Morning Meeting ID: 884 5577 5879
10:00 AM Peer-Led Shabbat Morning Service on Zoom (using same Zoom link as Torah Study) Torah Reader: Rhoda Ryba
10:00 AM Shabbat Morning Service - Live Stream from the Molish Sanctuary Bat Mitzvah: CHELSEA COHEN Daughter of Susan and Andrew Cohen CLICK HERE for Live Stream. _____________________________________________________
Shabbat Shalom! My name is Chelsea Cohen. For the duration of the past two years, I have been preparing for my long-awaited Bat Mitzvah! The Coronavirus has certainly caused some changes in the original plan of my Bat Mitzvah, but that has not stopped me from fulfilling my Mitzvah project. I chose to donate to an amazing organization called Cradles to Crayons. This agency helps so many children in need of our help. Over the past few months I have been collecting clothing, shoes, and other materials to send to them! Aside from collecting gently used items, I wanted to feel more connected to this important cause, so I decided to make new tie dye T-shirts and onesies for babies and children. I don’t know about you, but I love tie dye! I think it is fun to wear and hope it would bring joy to the children who receive them! It has been such a pleasure to work with Cradles to Crayons and help make children’s lives more comfortable! It makes me so happy to donate everyday clothing and shoes that most of us would take for granted to these kids who don’t have the luxuries that I do.
This day would not have been possible if it were not for the love and assistance of so many people. First of all, I would like to thank Rabbi Tornberg and Rabbi Leib for helping me prepare for my service and helping me get everything done! Secondly, I would like to thank Cantor Zarkh and Cindy Band for teaching me my Torah Portion, Haftorah, and all of the prayers I need to know in order to be ready for this very special day! Finally, a special thank you to my family! I would not be where I am today without my parents and brother Chase! They have given me so much support and I am so grateful for them! Thank you all once again for making this day possible! Shabbat Shalom!
Pirkei Avot with Rabbi Leib Sunday, May 9, 11:00 AM
CLICK HERE to join the class. Meeting ID: 833 9277 0410 Call In #: 1-929-436-2866 US (New York) We will be using this text: pp. 247-251 ____________________________________
Shavuot/Yizkor Service and Confirmation Sunday, May 16, 7:00 PM on Live Stream
If you would like to add your loved one's name(s) to the yizkor list, please email the names to Bonnie Marks at by Wednesday, May 12. CLICK HERE for Live Stream. ____________________________________
Moderators for this event: Rev. Marshall Mitchell, Pastor of Salem Baptist Church Abington Madiha Irfan, Executive Director of Islamic Center of Willow Grove Rev. Aaron Twitchell, Associate Pastor of Abington Presbyterian Church Rabbi Robert Leib, Senior Rabbi, Old York Road Temple-Beth Am
Hosted by Fred Goldstein, Co-Vice President of Social Action Committee, Old York Road Temple-Beth Am.
Questions for the Congresswoman must be emailed to Fred Goldstein at at least a week before the event.
CLICK HERE to attend on Zoom. Meeting ID: 868 6499 0254 One tap mobile +19292056099,,86864990254# US (New York) +13017158592,,86864990254# US (Washington DC) ________________________________________________________
If you want to add names to the yizkor list for our Confirmation/Yizkor service on Sunday, May 16th, you can do so through the SulCloud calendar. Just log in to your account and click on the Confirmation/Yizkor service on May 16. You will be taken to the event page, where you can enter the names of your loved ones in the "Notes" section.
If you need assistance, please email Jackie or Bonnie.
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During these hours, we will be answering phone calls and checking emails while working. We will NOT be open to the public or to congregants at this time. Email the Executive Director