Welcome back- We have missed seeing you in person!
With COVID cases declining and vaccinations increasing, Old York Road Temple-Beth Am is pleased to take steps toward a phased reopening. We have missed seeing everyone in the building, and we know you have too. Thank you as always for your patience, your dedication to Beth Am and your commitment to safety. Please note that our plans may alter as situations warrant.
We recognize that some folks will not feel ready to return. Rest assured that we will continue to offer virtual access to all of Beth Am’s experiences and services. Whether you are here in person or at home, you are with us!
Phase 1 Begins the week of Monday, May 24
In person SOEL graduation programs
Maintenance staff returns to full time hours.
Beginning June 4, Erev Shabbat services will be held indoors with a max capacity of 25 – registration will be required.
Phase 2 Begins the week of Monday, June 13 PLEASE read and observe the RE-OPENING GUIDANCE below.
The office will be open weekdays 9:00 am-4:30 pm
In-person Erev Shabbat services 6:00 pm with increased max capacity of 75 – registration required.
Increased capacity for life cycle events to 75 registered attendees
Gift Shop reopens- appointments required.
Sisterhood Mah Jongg in the Strick Auditorium
Phase 3 Begins Friday, June 25
Outdoor Shabbat 6/25- increased capacity to 100- must pre-register
Indoor Erev Shabbat services – increased capacity to 100 – must pre-register
RE-OPENING GUIDANCE All members, guests, and staff must adhere to the following guidance:
Wearing face coverings while indoors, and outdoors, during all face-to-face interactions.
Honestly answer health screening questions upon entering the building.
Limiting the capacity and proximity of members attending services.
Seating in the Molish Sanctuary will be every other row and at least two empty seats between family units until further notice. Please follow ushers’ guidance.
We know that loud talking and singing spread droplets further than normal conversation, so please—speak and sing in subdued tones.
Registering in advance for all in-person services, gathering & events.
We strongly recommend that all those returning to the synagogue be vaccinated.
During these hours, we will be answering phone calls and checking emails while working. We will NOT be open to the public or to congregants at this time.
Old York Road Temple - Beth Am 971 Old York Road Abington, PA 19001 215-886-8000
Questions? execdirector@oyrtbetham.org
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