Mazel Tov to Sara Frankel who has been accepted as one of this year’s Moving Traditions Kol Koleinu fellows!
Kol Koleinu is a yearlong teen feminist fellowship that brings together teens to learn about gender analysis, feminism and social change, to use their expertise to teach their peers, and to complete projects that share their learning and leadership with their greater Jewish communities. Click hereto read more about this program. _________________________________________________
Join us as we begin to plan our 75th Jubilee Celebration! Wednesday, July 28, 7:00p.m. - TBT Chapel
Memories of Old York Road Temple-Beth Am
We are busy planning lots of wonderful things this year for our 75th Jubilee, and we need your help.
We invite you to write a few sentences about your history, memories, and/or highlights as a Beth Am member.
Please send to Sherrie at _________________________________________________
High Holy Day Information
Look for our upcoming High Holy Day emails on Wednesdays in the coming weeks.
Right now we are asking those who would like to dedicate a food basket for the bimah to contact us as soon as possible.Your basket can be dedicated for either Rosh HaShanah or Yom Kippur. We are foregoing flowers this year in lieu of the ongoing food insecurities that so many are experiencing.
For more information, or if you would like to donate a basket, please contact Bonnie at _______________________________________________
Sisterhood-Sponsored Mah Jongg Wednesday, July 28, 6:15 - 8:15 PM - Strick Auditorium
Pre-registration is required. Space is limited. To register, please contact Cindy Blum: 267-625-4290
Please park and enter in the front of the building. _______________________________________________
COFFEE & CONVERSATION Tuesday, August 3 9:30- 11:30 AM
We want to hear all about your special memories at Beth Am during the past 75 years. We will supply the coffee, juice, and nosh. Park in the rear lot, take the elevator to the second floor, walk down the school wing, and find yourself in the Rovinsky Family Youth Lounge. All are welcome to stop by, socialize, reminisce, and/or look through some old photos and documents of those wonderful memories of your years at Beth Am. ________________________________________________
Old York Road Temple-Beth Am American Red Cross Blood Drive Tuesday, August 3, 3:00 - 8:00 PM Strick Auditorium
Please help us support the American Red Cross Blood Drive in their time of need. Every donation counts!
Contact Art Davis to make your appointment. , or (215) 205-3027 ________________________________________________
Beth Am Book Club Tuesday, August 17, 11:00 AM on Zoom "On Division," by Goldie Goldbloom Facilitated by Leslie Kraemer
Through one woman's life at a moment of surprising change, the award-winning author Goldie Goldbloom tells a deeply affecting, morally insightful story and offers a rare look inside Brooklyn's Chasidic community.
On Division Avenue, just a block or two up from the East River in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, Surie Eckstein is soon to be a great-grandmother. Her ten children range in age from thirteen to thirty-nine. Her in-laws, postwar immigrants from Romania, live on the first floor of their house. Her daughter Tzila Ruchel lives on the second. She and Yidel, a scribe in such demand that he makes only a few Torah scrolls a year, live on the third. Wed when Surie was sixteen, they have a happy marriage and a full life, and, at the ages of fifty-seven and sixty-two, they are looking forward to some quiet time together.
Into this life of counted blessings comes a surprise. Surie is pregnant. Pregnant at fifty-seven. It is a shock. And at her age, at this stage, it is an aberration, a shift in the proper order of things, and a public display of private life. She feels exposed, ashamed. She is unable to share the news, even with her husband. And so for the first time in her life, she has a secret—a secret that slowly separates her from the community.
CLICK HERE to join us on Zoom. Meeting ID: 857 6176 3848 One tap mobile +13017158592,,85761763848# US (Washington D.C) +13126266799,,85761763848# US (Chicago) _______________________________________________
Thank you for the ongoing food donations that go to the Jenkintown Food Cupboard. Food insufficiency continues as a serious issue. One in five households face food inadequacy in our area.
Please continue to contribute canned goods at the back door of Beth Am. Bins for food donations are put out at the back entrance of Beth Am Monday through Friday.
If you are unable to shop for food donations, purchasing a gift card from Beth Am to donate to the Food Cupboard is another option.
In addition to our regular canned food contributions, below is a list of non-expired, regular sized items needed at this time:
Canned corn, peas, green beans and beets (low salt preferred)
Brown rice and whole wheat pasta
Baked beans, 16 oz. cans
Healthy non-sugared cereals
(Canned pastas and soups are fully stocked and not needed at this time). ____________________________________________
Sisterhood Collection Project
Sisterhood is collecting menstrual hygiene products on an on-going basis for I Support The Girls. Their mission is to allow women and folks experiencing homelessness, impoverishment, or distress to stand tall with dignity.
For more information on the organization, visit their website:
Bring your donations to the back of the synagogue and put them in the green bin outside the door. If you have any questions, please contact Linda Kline at or 215-802-9737. Thank you for your support.
Community News
Speed Friending Tuesday, July 27, 2021 | 7:30 p.m. $18/person
Want to make some new friends and reconnect with people you haven’t seen since the pandemic started? Let us handle the conversation starters, icebreaker games and the virtual space to connect. All you have to bring is a sense of fun and an openness to meeting great people! If cost is a barrier, please email Kim Decker, Your donation to participate will support Tribe 12, a non-profit creating community for Philly’s Jewish young professionals that will be helping run the program for us.
To register,CLICK HERE . _______________________________________________
Kehillah Fall Sunday Soccer
11 sessions: September 12 – November 21, 2021 $100 with volunteering Additional discounts for siblings and early registration
No conflict with Hebrew School Pre K: 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Special Needs 12-1 p.m. K-9th one hour session between 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Need-based scholarships are available For more information and to register, CLICK HERE. Early registration helps us prepare for the season.
Old York Road Temple - Beth Am 971 Old York Road Abington, PA 19001 215-886-8000
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