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DUE TO THE SURGE OF THE COVID VARIANT, MASKS ARE REQUIRED FOR ALL CONGREGANTS ATTENDING IN PERSON. _________________________________________________________________
Friday, August 6 6:00 PM Erev Shabbat Service led by Cantor Elena Zarkh in the Molish Sanctuary CLICK HERE to view on Live Stream Saturday, August 7 9:00 AM Torah Study led by Rabbi Jonathan Magidovitchon Zoom CLICK HERE to join us Saturday Morning Meeting ID: 884 5577 5879
10:00 AM Peer-led Morning Service The Zoom meeting ID is 884 5577 5879 (same as Torah Study). Torah Reader: Sue Fleishman ______________________________________________________________________
Pirkei Avot with Rabbi Robert Leib There will be NO Pirket Avot this week. We will resume next Sunday, August 15 at 10:00 AM. PLEASE NOTE new time for next week only! ______________________________________________
Cook For A Friend Tuesday, August 10, 10:00 AM
Join us in our new kitchen to pack up meals for those in need.
Everyone is welcome.
Learn to Bake Challah with The Challah Ladies Wednesday, August 11 on Zoom 1st Session: 10:00 AM 2nd Session: 7:00 PM
Just in time for the High Holy Days! Learn to make your own challah - 1 braided, 1 round - with The Challah Ladies.
Contact Wendy Stahler at bubbewendy@gmail. com , or 215-694-2720 for registration and more information _________________________________________________
SAVE THE DATE BETH AM "HORA DOWN" IS COMING! Saturday, September 18, 5:00 - 8:00 PM
Southern Food ~ Dancing Costume Contest ~ Fun for Kids! $36 per person (12 and up) $10 for children (ages 0-3 free)
Watch your coming emails for registration information
DID YOU KNOW? You can make payments directly through your ShulCloud account. It is important that your account be in good standing before the High Holy Days - and they are very early this year!
If you need assistance, please call the office at 215-886-8000.
Old York Road Temple-Beth Am 971 Old York Road Abington, PA 19001 215-886-8000 ________________________________________________________________
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