Mazel Tov to Mark and Suzan Lopatin! Mark and Suzan Lopatin are happy to share the news of their daughter Melanie’s engagement to Joshua Chasen. Sharing in the excitement is Melanie’s sister, Dana. Mazel Tov!
Mazel Tov to Sol & Sue Miller!
Sol and Sue Miller's granddaughter, Lindsay Gillston, has been selected to play on TEAM USA's U16 women's basketball team in the 2022 Maccabiah games in Israel next summer. She received the Lower Merion High School freshman MVP basketball award in June. We are so proud!
Mazel Tov to Steven and Merle Geiger!
Their son, Brendan, got engaged to Sarah Ensign on Sunday in New York! Merle is feeling incredibly blessed, incredibly lucky and just all together over the moon!
Ways and Means - Fall Movie night Saturday, October 16, 6:30 PM ~ Raindate October 23 Reserve your spot by October 13 Old York Road Temple-Beth Am Parking Lot
$10 Per Family - To register, call the main office (215) 886-8000 or payment can be made on Venmo. Old York Road Temple-Beth Am Abington, PA
Families must bring their own chairs - we will provide food, candy, and refreshments for sale. BAFTY will provide free care for your children while you watch the second movie. Care will be provided for ages 3 and older.
If you need additional information, please contact Scott Brodoff. Email: or call (267) 979-3920
Beth Am Book Club Have You Seen Luis Velez? by Catherine Ryan Hyde Tuesday October 19, 11:00 AM on Zoom Facilitated by Sandy Fryer .
CLICK HERE to join us on Zoom. Meeting ID: 857 6176 3848 One tap mobile +13017158592,,85761763848# US (Washington D.C) +13126266799,,85761763848# US (Chicago) ____________________________________________________
BAFTY Fun Fall-Themed Happenings for October Temple Youth
BAFTY has been busy planning fun Fall events! See flyer for more information and stay tuned for updates.
Learn more about Noah AronsonHere. ___________________________________________________
Harry and Evelyn Silver z”l Scholar in Residence Program Squirrel Hill: The Tree of Life Synagogue Shooting and the Soul of a Neighborhood by Mark Oppenheimer ~ Sunday, November 14
"A piercing portrait of the struggles and triumphs of one of America’s renowned Jewish neighborhoods in the wake of unspeakable tragedy that highlights the hopes, fears, and tensions all Americans must confront on the road to healing".
Free event! Reservations required.*
9:00 AM - Continental Breakfast 9:30 - 10:30 AM- Presentation by Mark Oppenheimer Books will be available for purchase following the presentation.
For information about the authorCLICK HERE . ____________________________________________________
Ways and Means - Hanukkah and Winter Themed Portraits Tuesday, November 2, 12:00 PM - 7:00 PM ~ Beth Am
$150/20 Minute session. 25% goes as a donation to Beth Am. Pre-payment required. You can make payments by calling (215) 886-8000 or on Venmo: Old York Road Temple-Beth Am Abington, PA You will receive 10 Hi-Res images. Learn more about the photographer Here.
Help support Brotherhood’s Annual Food Drive which has helped 100+ families receive a full Thanksgiving meal through the help of your donations and the JCC of Philadelphia. In addition, this year we want to reach out to our own community as well. If you or someone you know is in need of a Thanksgiving meal, please contact Art Davis at 215-205-3027 or Stuart Greenberg at 215-300-4150.
Your donation to the Brotherhood of Temple-Beth Am, in the amount of $20.00 or more, will help provide a full traditional Thanksgiving dinner to feed a family of four. Every donation will fulfill a Mitzvah!
Please make your check payable and mail to: Brotherhood, Old York Road Temple-Beth Am 971 Old York Road Abington, PA 19001 or make payment on Venmo: Old York Road Temple-Beth Am Abington, PA ___________________________________________________
Save The Date ~ Brotherhood Family Bowling Party Sunday December 5, 1:00 - 4:00 PM
Three hours of bowling, pizza, snacks and drinks. $10.00 per adult/$5.00 per child under 18. Location: Pike Lanes 121 Second Street Pike, Southampton, PA 18966
Please see future emails for more information or call Steven Rigefsky (215) 266-0466 Download Flyer Here ___________________________________________________
Did you know? You can donate to Beth Am just by shopping on Amazon!
Please use Our Amazon Smile Link and .5 % of the purchase price will be donated to Beth Am. ___________________________________________________
SOCIAL ACTION COMMITTEE Mitzvah Pet Supply Drive - Month of October
We are collecting food and other items to benefit dog and cat rescue/foster programs through the month of October. There will be a bin outside the back entrance.
You may drop off new packages of :
dog and cat food
cat litter
cat beds
feeding bowls
cat carriers
cat scratching posts
Tiny Paws Rescue NJ also has a registry of dog items on Amazon. It is under baby registries because Amazon does not have registries for pets, Tiny Paws Rescue Donation List
If you donate items through the registry, please note it is for the OYRTBA drive, and send an email to Sharon Whitney at brown_idgirl@comcast.netwith the donation information. ____________________________________________________
D.I.Y. Chanukiyah Contest for Mensch Lab Families. Submissions due by Oct. 31, 2021. Prizes distributed on Nov. 21 during Mensch Lab.
Chanukah is just around the corner! Make a Chanukiyah (Chanukah menorah) out of any materials you want. All entries must have holders for all eight days, including the shamash (helper candle.) Entries will be displayed in public synagogue space.
Sisterhood-Sponsored Mah Jongg Wednesdays 7:00 PM - TBT Chapel
Pre-registration is required. Space is limited. To register, please contact Cindy Blum: 267-625-4290
Masks and proof of vaccination are required for all participants. ___________________________________________________
Community News
Cemetery Cleanup at Har Nebo Sunday, October 17 | 1:00 PM- 3:00 PM
Do a mitzvah! Volunteer with your community and help clean up Har Nebo ( 6061 Oxford Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19149), one of the region’s oldest and largest cemeteries. We will close with a memorial service to honor all of those buried at Har Nebo. Volunteer opportunities include: raking, picking up trash and clipping overgrown vines.
The Woman with the Blue Star and other works. Library Director Emerita, Ellen Tilman will introduce and interview Pam.
Pam writes both love stories and historical novels, some of which have been nominated for awards and many of which have been bestsellers. Most Popular Books: The Lost Girls of Paris; The Orphan's Tale; The Kommandant's Girl; The Ambassador's Daughter; The Diplomat's Wife; The Woman with the Blue Star, and more. ___________________________________________________
Family Fun Day Sunday, October 24, 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Come join elementary school families for a fun day outside all wrapped up with a fabulous slide!Bring a picnic and a smile to greet friends you haven’t seen in a while! The first 50 registrations will receive a suprise.
Join us virtually with thousands of experts, students, community leaders and more to tackle crucial conversations about hate and bigotry in today’s world. Together we’ll discover what each of us can do to combat antisemitism and bias in all its forms right now. The Summit is being held virtually. There will be a special track for high school students and attorneys to can free CLE credits.
Old York Road Temple - Beth Am 971 Old York Road Abington, PA 19001 215-886-8000
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