On the birth of granddaughter Ella Harper Fishman born on September 16 Proud parents are Lee and Angel Fishman Ella is named after her late grandfather Eric Fishman z”l
Board of Direcors Meeting Thursday October 28 ~ 7:30 PM
All congregants are invited to attend either in person (Molish Sanctuary) or on Zoom. Click Here Meeting ID: 818 0654 3844
Scholar in Residence Program Squirrel Hill: The Tree of Life Synagogue Shooting and the Soul of a Neighborhood by Mark Oppenheimer ~ Sunday, November 14 - 9:00 AM
Beth Am Book Club "The Submission" by Amy Waldman Tuesday November 16, 11:00 AM on Zoom Facilitated by Debbie Neibauer
"A remarkably bold and ambitious debut, The Submission is peopled with journalists, activists, mourners, and bureaucrats who struggle for advantage and fight for their ideals. In this deeply humane novel, the breadth of Amy Waldman's cast of characters is matched by her startling ability to conjure individual lives from their own points of view. A striking portrait of a city - and a country - fractured by old hatreds and new struggles, The Submission is a major novel by an important new talent. " CLICK HERE to join us on Zoom. Meeting ID: 857 6176 3848 One tap mobile +13017158592,,85761763848# US (Washington D.C) +13126266799,,85761763848# US (Chicago) ____________________________________________________
Night of Magic ~ Virtual Event - Join Us For An Evennig Of Fun! Saturday, November 20 7:30 PM
Cost is $36 per screen. Sponsorships are available (includes one screen):
Help provide a Thanksgiving meal to a family in need. Your $20 tax deductable donation will feed a family of four. Make checks payable and mail to: Brotherhood, Old York Road Temple-Beth Am 971 Old York Road, Abington, PA 19001 or make a donation by Venmo: Old York Road Temple-Beth Am Abington, PA ___________________________________________________
We Need Your Recipes! Multi-Generational Cook Book Celebrating Beth Am's 75th Anniversary. Deadline: Tuesday, November 23
Directions: Select your favorite recipe, send it in by either scanning the QR Code, clicking the link, or mailing it to us.
Scan QR Code
Click Here ___________________________________________________
Are You Interested in Becoming an Adult Bar/Bat Mitzvah?
Here are two quick ways to make gift giving easier while supporting Beth Am at no extra cost to you!
Gift Cards:
To see a complete list of available cards, visit us here
Feel free to call the office and place your holiday order (cash or check only)
Pampered Chef:
Shop the premier direct seller of high quality kitchen tooks, food products and cookbooks from the confort of your own home. Shop and view the Online Catalog OR
Click here to view on Zoom, meeting passcode is: 12345 on November 3rd at 7:30 PM to see all the new Pampered Chef products.
Join us virtually with thousands of experts, students, community leaders and more to tackle crucial conversations about hate and bigotry in today’s world. Together we’ll discover what each of us can do to combat antisemitism and bias in all its forms right now. The Summit is being held virtually. There will be a special track for high school students and attorneys to earn free CLE credits.
Old York Road Temple - Beth Am 971 Old York Road Abington, PA 19001 215-886-8000
Questions? execdirector@oyrtbetham.org
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