Brotherhood Meeting Wednesday, December 1, 7:00 PM Coffee Bar
All are welcome to attend !
Brotherhood is committed to remaining a dynamic force supporting our temple. We welcome your ideas for new, exciting projects we can implement alongside the tried-and-true. Our monthly meetings are held the first Wednesday of the month and all are welcome. E-mail Steve Rigefsky for information at ___________________________________________________
Visit the Gift Shop this Weekend! OPEN: Sunday, December 5, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Shop gifts for Chanukah! Checks, cash and credit cards accepted.
"At the urging of a Los Angeles detective, international rights lawyer Anna Carlson assists in a murder investigation. It’s a personal request from Suk-bo Yi, a ninety-nine-year-old woman questioned in a mysterious death at a Koreatown nursing home. A stranger to Anna, Suk-bo has a tale to tell. For reasons of her own, she’s chosen Anna.."
DECEMBER DONATIONS Simply drop off donations by the back door of the Synagogue
Coat Drive: We are collecting new and gently used coats during the month of November. Drop them off by the back door (including coats, hats, gloves and scarves.)
Jenkintown Food Cupboard: is requesting: peanut butter, tuna packed in water, pasta and rice, low sodium pasta sauce, etc. Click Here to See The Full List
"I Support the Girls" feminine hygiene products.
School Supplies: Help kids express themselves through art! Art supply donations needed.
HIAS: Support for the Afghan Refugees is requesting supermarket gift cards. Simply call the office and we can order these on your behalf.
29 Kislev 5782 / December 3, 2021 5:45 PM Outdoor Candle Lighting. Erev Shabbat Service & Consecration of New Students December Birthday Blessings - 6:00 PM 7:00 PM Dinner
Old York Road Community Hanukkah Lighting Baederwood Shoppes on the Fairway in Jenkintown Tonight, November 30, 5:00 PM
Join us for a festive outside candle lighting! Our Old York Road cantors will light up the night with Hanukkah songs and there will be a gift for adults and kids who register before Sunday, November 28. The rain date for this event is Wednesday, December 1. Please add your email when registering so we can contact you in case of inclement weather. Register at Zoom and/or FB live will also be available. ___________________________________________________
This Chanukah, Shine a Light on Antisemitism
This year, for the week of Chanukah (November 28-December 6), whether you’re in class, at work, on the playground, or online, we invite you to join Jews and allies across America and Canada to Shine A Light on antisemitism, fight it in all its forms, and stand up for our shared humanity.
Learn more here ___________________________________________________
Risky Business: Helping Jewish Teens Make Good Choices Thursday, December 15 @ 8:00-9:00 PM EST / 5:00 PM PST
The webinar, geared toward parents and educators of Jewish preteens and teens, will focus on how to embolden adolescents to strengthen their personal wellbeing (shleimut), respectful relationships (hesed), and pursuit of justice (tzedek)—while they take healthy risks and experience the world.
Old York Road Temple - Beth Am 971 Old York Road Abington, PA 19001 215-886-8000
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