Mystical Aleph-Bet Class ~ with Rabbi Leib Tonight, Tuesday, February 1, 7:30 PM
Non-registered attendees welcome! The class will begin promptly at 7:30 PM.
Click Here for Zoom Meeting ID: 864 2265 9998 Passcode: Alephbet (note uppercase “A”) ___________________________________________________
Brotherhood Meeting Wednesday, February 2, 7:00 PM ~ On Zoom
All are welcome to attend !
We welcome your ideas and exciting projects that we can implement alongside the tried-and-true.
Click Here for Zoom Meeting ID: 873 8701 0553 Passcode: 381018 ____________________________________________________
Sisterhood-Sponsored Mah Jongg Wednesday, February 2, 7:00 PM - Temple Beth Torah Chapel
Pre-registration is required. Space is limited. Masks and proof of vaccination are required for all participants. To register, please contact Cindy Blum: 267-625-4290 _________________________________________________
Cook For a Friend Tuesday, February 8, 10:00 AM
On the second Tuesday of every month, a small group meets in Beth Am’s newly-renovated kitchen to prepare 100 TV dinners for homebound people. If you are free for a little over an hour at 10:00 AM and would like to be part of this mitzvah, please contact Sandy Sham at 215-420-7455. ___________________________________________________
Modern Love Stories of Jerusalem Sunday, February 13, 3:00 PM ~Free to Attend
As part of the Jerusalem Master class, Kobi Cooper is offering a free Valentine's Day virtual tour of Jerusalem. In "Love Stories of Jerusalem," he will discuss those people who have lived and loved in the Holy City. This is a virtual tour you won't want to miss.
Jewish Disability Erev Shabbat Inclusion Service Friday, February 25, 7:00 PM
We welcome Rebecca Salus Hodge. Rebecca will discuss the importance of our Jewish community embracing and supporting families facing challenges such as mental illness, substance abuse and raising children with disabilities. She will also highlight the importance of asking for help during times of stress and crisis. Services will also be live streamed on our website. __________________________________________________
Breakfast With Speaker Rheum for Improvement: The Evolution of a Health-Care Advocate ~ by: Mark Lopatin Sunday, February 27, 9:30 AM Deadline to register is Wednesday, February 23
Free Event! Mark Lopatin is a long standing member of Beth Am and will speak about patient advocacy.
As a patient, have you ever:
Had your health insurance deny a test or procedure that your doctor recommended by saying that it was not medically necessary?
Been told that you had to try one medicine before you could take the medicine that your doctor actually prescribed?
If so, you are not alone. RSVP to Stacey Mardt: Register through the ShulCloud here. Masks and proof of vaccination required. __________________________________________________
SAVE THE DATE! ~ Cantor's Concert Sunday, April 3, 4:00 PM
From the Bimah to Broadway! An event you won't want to miss.
Download flyer here __________________________________________________
Come Play Ball!
Join Beth Am's Softball Team. The Delaware Valley Synagogue League is highly competitive and consists of 18 teams representing 13 synagogues & Goldstein’s Funeral Home. We play a 14-game season beginning in April. We play one game per week, Monday – Thursday at 6:00 p.m. with batting and fielding practice beginning 30 minutes prior. For more information or to join, please contact Bruce Klugman, ___________________________________________________
Mitzvah Circle ~ February Donations
Socal Action is collecting new underwear and socks for boys, girls, men, and women. You can drop them off at the back door of the synagogue.
FOOD COLLECTION for Jenkintown Food Cupboard Simply drop off donations by the back door of the synagogue
This month, the Jenkintown Food Cupboard is specifically requesting the following items: Cereals, please, no sugary cereals, Oatmeal, Grits, Canned fruit in 100% fruit juice, Low sodium beef and vegetable broth. Please click here for the full food list Please check expiration dates. Click here for the complete food list.
"I Support The Girls" is collecting feminine hygiene products. _____________________________________________
Gratz Academy Registration is Now Open!
Register today for Gratz Academy’s spring semester. This coming spring we are offering courses in Hebrew, genocide & holocaust studies, as well as antisemitism and modern Jewish studies. Don’t forget! Many of our classes are offered at the high school level or you can receive college credit.
You can learn more about our courses by checking our online course catalogue.
Congregation Kol Ami of Elkins Park invites us to Combatants for Peace on Zoom Sunday, February 13, 1:00PM
This program is free and open to all. Together we will meet Combatants for Peace activists, hear their stories and discover why there really is a reason for hope in the Holy Land. This is a program from Kol Ami, and we are extending the invitation in the interest of presenting real dialog. We, as a congregation, are not endorsing any political opinions expressed. Register Here _________________________________________________
Let’s Talk About Mental Health: A Jewish Community Forum Wednesday, February 16, 7:00 PM
Join the conversation about mental health in the Jewish community.
Old York Road Temple - Beth Am 971 Old York Road Abington, PA 19001 215-886-8000
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