We continue to watch in horror and with disbelief the deliberate, systematic destruction of Ukraine and its bold, brave citizens.
In the aftermath of Russia’s hostile aggression especially after the bombing of Uman (tens of thousands of Bratzlaver Chassidim make an annual pilgrimage there to the tomb of the saintly Rabbi Nachman of Bratzlav) and in the vicinity of the Babyn Yar Memorial just outside of Kiev where nearly 34,000 Jews were massacred by the Nazis on September 29-30, 1941, Ukrainian President Zelenskyy made a rare address to world Jewry:
“Addressing all the Jews of the world: Don’t you see why this is happening? That is why it is very important that millions of Jews around the world do not remain silent right now. Nazism is born in silence. So, shout about the killings of civilians. Shout about the killings of Ukrainians.”
We forthrightly condemn - together with all other decent, honorable, law-abiding, peace-seeking people throughout the world - the utterly disgraceful and unforgivable invasion of Ukraine.
Our thoughts and prayers are with the Ukrainian people many of whom now constitute the largest refugee population since the Second World War and our prayers, similarly, are with their many compatriots who have made Philadelphia their home. We think of our bookkeeper Yelena Korotchuk whose family had to leave their home in suburban Kiev for a safe location south of the city. Yelena conveyed to us her family's appreciation for all our support.
We thank those of you who have already stopped by the Temple in recent days and contributed essential supplies to the local relief effort. They have been transported to the Ukrainian Educational and Cultural Center on Cedar Road in Jenkintown. Thanks to those of you who have volunteered your time there! And our heartfelt appreciation to those of you who have sent in donations through Federation, HIAS and JDC.
This Friday night is, coincidentally, our annual “HIAS Refugee Shabbat” and our guest speaker is Prof Iryna Ivankovych, President of the St. Sophia Religious Association of Ukrainian Catholics which has its headquarters in Elkins Park. In addition, a small ensemble of young Ukrainian men and women will present a few patriotic songs.
We sincerely hope that you will join with us at our 6:00pm Erev Shabbat service THIS Friday as we stand in solidarity with the people of Ukraine, a country which was, after all, a home to so many of our own relatives.
The Talmud reminds us: “Whoever saves a single life saves an entire world.” Please play your part in helping those most in need at this time of great peril, dislocation and uncertainty.
Thank you very much!
Rabbi Robert Leib, Rabbi Shoshanah Tornberg, Cantor Elena Zarkh.
Old York Road Temple - Beth Am 971 Old York Road Abington, PA 19001 215-886-8000
Questions? execdirector@oyrtbetham.org
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