Mindy and Mitch Ripkin are excited to share the news of their daughter Alex’s engagement to Alex Flegeal.
Mazel Tov to Sharon & Marc Kramer Sharon and Marc are happy to share the news of their daughter Kimberly's engagement to Patrick Crumbling. They are thrilled about the engagement.
Beth Am's Dine-in Fundraiser at Panera TONIHT: Tuesday, March 29, 4:00 - 8:00 PM
Enjoy dinner and support Beth Am! 20% of sales will be donated back to the synagogue. Please bring flyer with you (either paper or electronic copy.) You can also order online using the code PRFUND
Location: Panera Bread 1641 The Fairway, Jenkintown, PA 19046
CLICK HEREfor Zoom Zoom ID: 816 8975 2941 Don't miss an apple-solutely wonderful Passover baking lesson on Zoom with our own Challah lady extraordinaire, Wendy Stahler. For more information, call Nancy Chesin at (215) 934-7520 ____________________________________________________
75th Jubilee Shabbat Friday, April 8, 7:00 PM
Join us for a special Shabbat with the amazing adult choir. We are on the path to a very special year! Commemorative booklets will be handed out and we invite you to join us for this special occasion. Special oneg following services.
New Mah Jongg Class for Beginners Sponsored by Sisterhood
Beginning Wednesday, April 13 at 6:45 PM, Sisterhood will offer a six-week class for those who would like to learn the game of Mah Jongg or simply freshen up your skills. The class will run for six consecutive Wednesday evenings. Registration is required. Cost is $80.00
Class space is limited and will be based on a first come-first served basis.
To register, call Gail Stein at 215-947-3302.
New 2022 cards will be available for sale April 1. Cost: $9 regular or $10 large. Contact Cindy Blum 267-625-4290.
Mitzvah Day! Sunday, April 24, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Do a Mitzvah... Do a Mitzvah.... Do a Mitzvah... If you can! Come join us for Mitzvah Day! Lots of oppertunities to help out our community. Some projects are also being planned at Beth Am.
If you are interested in cleaning up the Temple - Ambler campus please contact Art Davis (215) 205-3027
Sisterhood Bingo ~ IN PERSON! Monday, May 2, 6:00 PM Philmont Country Club
Join Beth Am Sisterhood for a fun night of Bingo! $38/person includes full buffet dinner and Bingo cards *Extra bingo cards will be available for $5 CLICK HEREfor more information To register for Bingo, CLICK HERE _________________________________________________
Brotherhood Needs Volunteers!
Please consider volunteering a few hours of your time to deliver Yom HaShoah Candles to congregants. Contact Rich Wright for more infomation at Rich21364@gmail.com
URJ’s REDI/Audacious Hospitality Presents: White Parents & Guardians Raising Jewish Kids of Color 3 Part Series Session 1: Sunday, April 3, 12-1 PM
Parenting does not come with a manual. For White parents and guardians raising Jews of Color (JOC) that seems doubly true. These sessions will discuss what White guardians raising Jews of Color need to think about and know. Our three-part series will provide you with the chance to hear from both experts and adult JOCs on practical tips and considerations to raise healthy Kids of Color.
L’Dor Va’Dor: Affirming and Loving Your Transgender, Non-Binary, and Gender Expansive Grandchildren Monday, April 4, 4-5 PM
Are you a grandparent or another cherished elder of a child or young person who is expressing their gender in expansive ways? Do you want to learn more about how to celebrate them and show that you love them for who they are?
Old York Road Temple - Beth Am 971 Old York Road Abington, PA 19001 215-886-8000
Questions? execdirector@oyrtbetham.org
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