Friday, May 20 7:00 PM Erev Shabbat Service with Rabbi Tornberg & Cantor Zarkh Molish Sanctuary and Livestream CLICK HERE for Livestream
Saturday, May 21 Torah Study returns to the TBT Chapel this Saturday! You are welcome to join us in person at 8:45 AM in the TBT Chapel. If you'd like to join us on Zoom, information is provided below.
8:45 AM *Please note time change for this week Torah Study led by Rabbi Shoshanah Tornberg CLICK HERE to join us Saturday Morning Meeting ID: 884 5577 5879 Passcode: shabbos971
9:45 AM *Please note time change for this week Peer-led Morning Service on Zoom Torah Reader: Sue Fleishman Meeting ID: 884 5577 5879 Passcode: shabbos971 (same as Torah Study).
10:00 AM Saturday Morning Service in the Molish Sanctuary and on Livestream. BAR MITZVAH: MAX HARTMAN Son of James and Rachel Hartman
For my mitzvah project, I organized a bake sale to support Ukraine. At the bake sale, I raised $250. I chose this cause due to the war happening in Ukraine and my thoughts were with the children who have been affected by the war and what they must be going through. I donated the money to an organization called “Razom.” They provide critical humanitarian relief and recovery for families. They also aid orphans and families of Ukrainian military who died or were hurt in action. I hope that my efforts help the people of Ukraine as they are desperate for help at this time.
Old York Road Temple-Beth Am 971 Old York Road Abington, PA 19001 215-886-8000 ________________________________________________________________
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