2/6 - 6:00p.m. 4th Annual Souper Bowl with guest speaker Mike Sielski 2/18 - 6:30p.m Movie screening of Code Name: Ayalon followed by Q&A with producer Laurel Fairtworth - Register Here Click here to view our Holocaust Memorial Scrolls Story
Adult Education
Jewish Food Ethics with Rabbi Tornberg on Zoom 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Thursdays, February 9, 16 & 23. Come explore this most contemporary of topics through a Jewish lens with Rabbi Tornberg.
Mensch Lab
Artist and Beth Am member, Mindy Silver, works with Kindergarten students on our Mensch Lab Museum of Jewish Life. These students made “pop-out” Jewish homes that show some of the many things you can find in a Jewish home.
Shabbat Times
Friday, January 13 7:00 p.m. Erev Shabbat Service led by Rabbi Tornberg & Cantor Zarkh with the T'filah Band in the Molish Sanctuary and on Livestream
Saturday, January 14 9:00 a.m. Torah Study led by Steve Lavner 10:00 a.m. Peer-led Morning Service - Torah Reader: Evelyn Fair In-person in the TBT CHapel or on Zoom Meeting ID: 884 5577 5879 Passcode: shabbos971 (same for both)
Please join the Abington Township Human Relations Commission (HRC) for the 38th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Service Award Program and Day of Service on Monday, January 16 beginning at 10 AM.
Service Project: The HRC will be collecting non-perishable food donations for local pantries and books for school age children that celebrate diversity and promote understanding and inclusion. All donations can be dropped off at the Abington Township Building lobby in advance or brought on the day of the event.
Food Pantries: Interfaith Food Cupboard & Bread of Heaven Food Pantry Book Donations: WePAC (West Philadelphia Alliance for Children) The HRC has created an Amazon wishlistto make donating easier. Items purchased through the wishlist will be sent to the Township building.
Service Award Program: 10AM - 11AM: Service Award Program (In-person at the Township Bulding and by webinar) Join by computer https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82531762933 Join by phone 1-929-436-2866 and enter meeting ID 825-3176-2933
11AM - 1PM: Collect and pack food and book donations at the Township Building
Volunteers are needed to help collect and pack the donated items. No registration required. Questions, contact hrc@abingtonpa.gov. For additional information go to www.abingtonpa.gov/MLK .
Old York Road Temple-Beth Am 971 Old York Road Abington, PA 19001 215-886-8000 oyrtbetham.org
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