LAST CHANCE! Reserve discounted tickets by emailingJackie Lehnertoday! Philadelphia Phillies vs. Atlanta Braves Wednesday, June 21, 6:40p.m. Tickets are $30 Seats will be bewteen sections 412 and 428.
Join our Membership Committee
If you are interested in joining our membership committee please join us on Wednesday, May 17 at 7:00 p.m. in the Strick Auditorium.
Bring your ideas and suggestions on strengthening and growing our community.
Mazel Tov
Mazel Tov to Meryl Lewin on reciving the 2023 Guardian of the House honor.
Mazel Tov to the incoming Executive Commitee:
Shabbat Times
Friday, May 12 7:00pm Brotherhood/Sisterhood Erev Shabbat Service with Adult Choir Led by Rabbi Tornberg & Cantor Zarkh Molish Sanctuary and Livestream
Saturday, May 13 9:00 a.m. Torah Study led by Rabbi Tornberg 10:00 a.m. Peer-led Morning Service - Torah Reader: Rhoda Ryba TBT Chapel or Zoom Meeting ID: 884 5577 5879 Passcode: shabbos971 (same for both)
Sisterhood Message from Lisa and Andi:
We apologize profusely! It’s a shande that we failed to mention our fabulous Sisterhood Gift Shop! Our gift shop has been a fixture at Beth Am with so many options for gift giving and self indulgence. You can find a gift for every occasion.
Our gift shop is run by Eileen Simmons, Pearl Jahr and volunteers who keep the shop open for special events at the synagogue. Sisterhood’s gift to the synagogue includes a generous contribution from our amazing Gift Shop.
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