Outside in-person service (weather permitting), no livestream. Chairs will be provided. Festive rainbow oneg to follow.
6/23 6:00pm Pre-Neg followed by 7:00pm Erev Shabbat Service Wishing Farewell to President Josh Posnan & Installation of Officers and New Members of the Board of Directors
Shavuot Morning Service - Friday, May 26 at 10:00 a.m.
Shavuot Yizkor & Confirmation Service in the TBT Chapel & Zoom Meeting ID: 875 9075 3929 Passcode: 1050613
Mensch Lab/Beit Noar Registration for the 2023-24 Religious School Year is Now Open
Join Sherrie Turetsky for an informational and Q&A session Tuesday, May 30 at 7:00 p.m. Zoom Meeting ID: 895 5842 3423 Passcode: School
___________________________________________________________ Living Jewishly is so important for our teens!
All post b.-mitzvah students are welcome to join us for the upcoming Beit Noar school year. The program has changed; commitment is manageable, social time is built into the program and our main goal is to help strengthen your teen’s Jewish identity.
The Ways and Means Committee plans and hosts special events and programs to raise funds to support Old York Road Temple-Beth Am. Our activities support our congregation financially, and bring the members of our community together.
If you'd like to join the Ways and Means Committee and help plan for the future, please contact Rich Wright at 267-240-7743. We're looking forward to your joining us to plan for a fun and exciting future.
Mazel Tov
Rae and Ralph Waldman are pleased to announce that their granddaughter Lindsay Schoeffler graduated Magna Cum Laude from the Bellisario College of Communications at Penn State. Lindsay will now pursue a Masters Degree at Penn State.
Miriam Buchsbaum & Bruce Genter announce the birth of their grandson, Pierce Nathan, to their son & daughter-in-law, Drew & Danielle Genter on April 11 in Chicago.
Mindy and Mitch Ripkin are thrilled to announce the marriage of their daughter, Alexandra Ripkin to Alexander Flegeal. The wedding was held on 5/13/2023. Mazel tov to Alex and Alex!
Mazal tov to Michael Berkowitz, Sofie Chernobrod, Khaya Lukov and Sophia Meloscia on receiving the 2022/2023 Selma Riffkin Sisterhood Award. This achievement is awarded to students who show exceptional involvement in and untiring commitment to class, school, synagogue and Reform Judaism.
Shabbat Times
Friday, May 26 6:00pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service with Anniversary Blessings Led by Rabbi Leib & Cantor Zarkh TBT Chapel and Zoom Meeting ID: 81823519331 Passcode: shabbos
Saturday, May 27 Join us for a very special Shabbat morning to honor the memory of our dear friend Claire Krassenstein z"l 9:00 a.m. Torah Study led by Barry Tinkleman 9:45 a.m. Dedication of the Torah Study Group's Tribute to Claire, with Rabbi Leib, Rabbi Tornberg, and Cantor Zarkh 10:00 a.m. Morning Service with Cantor Zarkh Torah Reader: Sue Fleishman TBT Chapel or Zoom Meeting ID: 884 5577 5879 Passcode: shabbos971 (same for both)
Are you missing your Jewish Exponent? The Jewish Exponent has cut off subscribers because they have not received information from Federation on who contributes. To restart your subscription please call 215-832-0700, ask for the circulation department and let them know you are a contributor to Federation.
Old York Road Temple-Beth Am 971 Old York Road Abington, PA 19001 215-886-8000 oyrtbetham.org
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