As we approach the High Holy Days, we have the opportunity to reflect on the past year and look ahead to the New Year with hope and optimism. This is a chance to renew our commitment to our faith and community and come together in celebration and worship. During this time, we hear in the Binding of Isaac, the response to God’s call, the sacred word “Hineini”.Hineini, “Here I Am.” It symbolizes a commitment to envision the world as it could be and to then act with purpose to make it so.
As we approach 5784, we have many challenges ahead of us. Rising instances of Antisemitism, racism, attacks on LGBTQ rights, the need for more inclusive communities, and support for our neighbors who need food, clothing, and the basic essentials many of us take for granted. Now more than ever we need to build a strong and supportive community to meet the challenges of the world around us.
Presidents of congregations are making their High Holiday Appeals at this time. I’d like to think that our community doesn’t need one day a year to be generous and open our hearts. During this sacred time of prayer and confessional, we will be beating our chests with the words: “Al cheit Shechetanu L’fanecha,” For the act of healing we have done through righteous giving, and for the act of repair we have done by opening our hearts.
Your support will help us to continue to provide wonderful programs, support families in need, and provide inspiring education for our children and to our community. It will enable us to keep our facilities safe, support our staff, and continue to foster friendships that we will treasure forever.
I recently asked the Board of Directors, what does it mean to feel “Engaged at a Synagogue?” The answers ranged from feeling spiritually led by the clergy to the place where lifelong friendships had been created.
Whatever your connection is, I urge you to get involved with one of our committees, meet some new people, and commit yourself to the vital work that is needed. We can only do this with your partnership. Your donation will help ensure that our synagogue remains a vital and vibrant center of Jewish Life for generations to come. L’Shana Tovah Tikateivu! Bruce Sham, President
SHABBAT SHUVAH with Volunteer Choir Friday, September 22, 7:00 p.m. Anniversary Blessings Molish Sanctuary & Livestream Saturday, September 9 Bagels, shmear and coffee at 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. Torah Study led by: Steve Chesin 10:00 a.m. Peer-led Service by: Steve Green, Mike Karssenstein, Barry Tinkleman Torah Reader: Paul Anderson TBT Chapel or Zoom Meeting ID: 884 5577 5879 Passcode: shabbos971 (same for both)
Kol Nidre & Yom Kippur Schedule
KOL NIDREI WITH PROFESSIONAL CHOIR *Sunday, September 24, 7:30 p.m. Sermon: Rabbi Leib Cellist: Marlena Gal Molish Sanctuary & Livestream
YOM KIPPUR Monday, September 25 *Traditional Service with Professional Choir, 10:00 a.m. Sermon: Rabbi Leib Molish Sanctuary & Livestream
Symposium, 12:30 p.m. Come hear & share your experiences from “Living Jewishly” around the world.
Contemporary Service, 2:00 p.m. (Service booklet provided) New innovative service for all ages. Molish Sanctuary & Livestream
Minchah, 3:30 p.m. Beth Am's Short Story Writing Club brings you “Jonah’s Journey Aboard The SS Shuvu,” an original contemporary story incorporating themes from the biblical Jonah text -- with modern twists. Join this Jonah as he is altered aboard an unusual cruise ship. Congregant Elliott Rotman & Education Director Steven Goldstein read the piece aloud, followed by Rabbi Leib facilitating a Q&A session based on this colorful debut tale. Temple Beth Torah Chapel & Zoom Meeting ID: 853 1225 3284 Passcode: 105784
Yizkor (Memorial Service) with Professional Choir, 4:30 p.m. Sermon: Rabbi Leib Molish Sanctuary and Livestream Neilah with Professional Choir (Immediately following Yizkor service) Concluding service with the final blowing of the Shofar. Following the concluding service, you are invited to join us to break-the-fast.
Please remember to bring your SILVER Mishkan Hanefesh for Yom Kippur
*Services only available to members, in person or Livestream on ShulCloud.
L’SHANAH TOVAH TIKATEVU May you be inscribed and sealed for a good year! YOM KIPPUR 2023-5784
Sukkot Under the Stars
Sukkot Service on Saturday, September 30
Sukkot Shabbat Morning Service 10:00 a.m. Led by Rabbi Leib & Cantor Zarkh Temple Beth Torah Chapel & Zoom Meeting ID: 884 5577 5879 Passcode: shabbos971
Simchat Torah
High Holy Day Mitzvah Food Drive
Food donations that are being requested must be kosher and not past the expiration date. Please drop off your donations at the marked collection locations at the synagogue entrances. The requested canned kosher food items are:
Nut Butters
Breakfast Cereals
Please contact Sandie Buller for questions or to arrange a pickup.
Old York Road Temple-Beth Am 971 Old York Road Abington, PA 19001 215-886-8000
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