Friday, October 27 Remembering the 5th Anniversary of the Pittsburgh, Tree of Life Synagogue Shooting & Our Brothers & Sisters in Israel 6:00 p.m. Congregational Dinner - SOLD OUT 7:00 p.m. Erev Shabbat Service with Choir and Anniversary Blessings Led by Rabbi Leib & Cantor Zarkh Molish Sanctuary & Livestream
Saturday, October 28 Bagels, shmear and coffee at 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. Torah Study by: Linda & Barry Weinstein 10:00 a.m. Peer-led Service by: Drew Hmiel, Mike Krassenstein & Steve Green Torah Reader: Steve Lavner TBT Chapel or Zoom Meeting ID: 884 5577 5879 Passcode: shabbos971 (same for both)
B. Mitzvah - Chase Cohen
Bar Mitzvah - Chase Cohen Son of Susan & Andrew Cohen
October 28, 2023 10:00 a.m. - Molish Sanctuary Lech Lecha
Challah Orders for 11/3
Our Challah Ladies will be selling freshly baked plain & raisin challot every other Friday. The next order will be for Friday, November 3. All proceeds will go to the FIDF towards: temporary field hospitals, intensive care ambulances, hygiene & plasma kits and the IDF soldiers’ greatest needs.
Orders can be picked up after 1:00 p.m. on Fridays or at Shabbat services that evening. Payments can be made by ShulCloud, Cash or Venmo.
Family Shabbat Service & Dinner Friday, November 3
Brotherhood's Annual Thanksgiving Drive
Chanukiah Contest - All Congregants are Invited to Participate!
Nefesh Mountain - Saturday, December 16, 7:30 p.m.
Adult Education Class with Rabbi Bogot
Please join Rabbi Bogot for a six-week Zoom course on Torah-inspired maxims & Torah portion commentaries of Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks z”l. Rabbi Sacks served as the Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the Commonwealth from 1991 to 2013.
Wednesdays at 1:00 p.m. - November 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 & December 6. Click Here to Register - Last Chance to Sign up Once registered you will receive an email with the study texts. For questions, please contact Rabbi Bogot.
Jenkintown Food Cupboard
Stuffing Mix
Canned Yams/Pumpkin
Gravy (Turkey or Chicken)
Cranberry Sauce
Broth (Turkey, Chicken, or Vegetable)
Cream of Mushroom Soup
Canned Beans (Lima and Kidney)
Canned Beets
Canned Mushrooms
Pie Filling
Pie Crust
Canned Tuna
Canned Soup
Canned Beans
Canned Green Beans, Peas, Carrots
PLEASE NO DONATIONS THAT ARE PAST THE EXPIRATION DATE! Donations can be left at the marked container at the back entrance.
Ways to Support Israel
The Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia is mobilizing a Philly Stands With Israel Fund, an emergency response campaign to provide immediate relief to the People and State of Israel in response to the attacks launched by Hamas early Saturday morning. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Magen David Adom supporting paramedics and first responders. Your donation ensures Magen David Adom's 33,000 paramedics, EMTS, first responders, and first-aid providers -- volunteers and staff -- have the training, equipment, and medical supplies they need to treat all injured and ill people in Israel.
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