It is with much sadness and regret that we inform you that this year’s 73rd Annual Abington Township Interfaith Thanksgiving Service has been cancelled.
Following a lengthy, recent Zoom meeting that we had with our Ministerium colleagues, it became clear that it would not be feasible to host our annual celebration at Beth Am. Please respect our decision for not sharing, publicly, the reasons for having concluded that it would be best if we, as a congregation, absented ourselves. We take some solace and comfort in knowing that, because of our decision, our Ministerium colleagues have decided not to proceed with a service of their own.
Instead, we invite you, our fellow Beth Amniks, to join us in a festive, celebratory program devoted to peace, thanks and hope on Tuesday, November 21st at 6:00pm. The entire program will take place in the Strick Auditorium. We’ll begin with a hoagie meal and accompanying trimmings and then participate in an interactive program including music, poetry and readings. Please respond to the attached flyer ASAP.
We would appreciate it if you would bring non-perishable canned goods to be donated to the Jenkintown Food Cupboard. Both their Board President and Executive Director will be present. We are proud to be the Cupboard's largest donor.
We wish to assure you, our fellow Beth Amniks, that we remain steadfastly committed to the mission of our Old York Road Ministerium: to actively engage in clergy dialogue and to promote and facilitate interfaith cooperation and programs where and when possible. We thank you all for supporting us in this vitally important work that helps nourish and enrich us.
In friendship, Rabbi Robert Leib Cantor Elena Zarkh
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