Dear Friends, While I would never dare minimize the supreme significance of Chag HaUrim, our winter Festival of Lights and how it’s enduring impact of Jewish heroism, resistance, honor and pride is especially felt now - this year - I’m also keenly aware of how Chanukah’s proximity to Christmas has unfortunately resulted in an atmosphere of conspicuous consumption: the instant gratification that our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren feel they are entitled to by receiving gifts on each and every one of the eight nights of Chanukah.
So, instead, tell them that this year, this Chanukah, in their honor, you’re donating $18 on one night or, preferably, all eight nights to Beth Am!
Don’t shy away from letting them know that your gift in their name is as - if not even more - critically needed now than ever before. And that’s no exaggeration!
Thank you, in advance, for participating in our “Eight Nights of Giving!”
May you and all those you love enjoy a bright and beautiful Chanukah!
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