The office will be open limited hours from Monday, December 23 - Wednesday, January 1 Please call before coming to the building.
The Building will be closed on Wednesday, December 25
Winter Break School Schedule SOEL will be closed Monday, December 23 - Wednesday, January 1
Mensch Lab will resume on Sunday, January 5
Shabbat Services
Friday, December 20 7:00pm Erev Shabbat Service with T'filah Band & Adult Choir Remarks: "Trouble at the Vatican: No, Jesus was Not a Palestinian! Molish Sanctuary & Livestream
Saturday, December 21 9:00 a.m. Torah Study led by Richard Orodenker 10:00 a.m. Peer-led Service led by Paul Anderson, Michael Krassenstein, and Barry Tinkleman Torah Reader: Barry Stein TBT Chapel & Zoom Meeting ID: 884 5577 5879 Passcode: shabbos971
A Personal Note:
Dear Friends,
Please accept my belated but very sincere thanks for acknowledging the sudden passing of my dear mother, Joan Goldstein.
Your kind and thoughtful cards, emails, calls and generous contributions have certainly helped to ease the terrible pain and immense sadness we’ve all felt as a family these past several weeks.
With heartfelt appreciation to you all, Randy Leib
Chanukah Candle Lighting
8 Nights of Lights - Rededicate YOUrself to Beth Am